R.P. Good carefully planned the site of Alto-Reste Park with our family’s commitment in mind.
“Alto-Reste Park is a departure from the old cemetery or graveyard, and its gruesome atmosphere. Everything is planned to present and preserve restful effects, and orderly keeping which is assured by its perpetual care.”
~R.P Good, Founder

Small Victory Today, But The Fight Continues
During the Blair County Board of Commissioners board meeting today, the Commissioners decided to table the vote on seizing our land to construct a new county prison. It is only because of you and your support that we are able to continue fighting another day. The Good family cannot express the depth of our gratitude to this community for rallying around us during such a stressful time for everyone involved. Thank you to everyone who found the strength to come to the courthouse to speak on our behalf. The Commissioners heard you.
While tabling the vote is a small victory, there is still work to be done. To be clear, anyone disparaging Commissioners and their family members should know that type of behavior is not okay with us. You all know how the Good family feels about the pain this has caused you, and, although we disagree with their choice to date, the Commissioners have a tough job to do in finding an appropriate site for the prison. We strongly encourage you to continue voicing your concerns and feelings, but do so in a way that displays respect, integrity, compassion and love.
The vote is currently tabled until Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 10 AM. Hopefully, the Commissioners reassess their options. We will be sure to keep you updated. Until then, continue to share our website, petition, and message.
Thank you for everything you have done for Alto-Reste Park and the Good family over the last week. We will never forget this!
Geoff Behrens
Urgent Update on Alto-Reste Park Eminent Domain Issue
Earlier today, March 25, 2025, it was brought to our attention that the Blair County Board of Commissioners advertised the “ordinance signifying the intent to take by eminent domain” that they voted to approve during the March 20th meeting in last weekend’s edition of the Altoona Mirror. You can read the advertisement here. By Title 53 Section 8003. (a) of the Pennsylvania Statute, they have to advertise “not less than three nor more than 30 days prior to the enactment.” The link to the Pennsylvania law on advertisement is here. In that advertisement, they scheduled the meeting for their decision to seize our land for Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 10:00 AM in the basement of the Blair County Courthouse.
This may be the only time that you will get the chance to let them hear directly from you before they make a decision. The Good Family has been hearing your voice loud and clear, and we are overwhelmed by the support that this community has given to us. Now, it is time for them to hear you!
Here are the things that you can do right now to help:
- Continue sending your thoughts and prayers not only to us, but to every single family affected by this issue in some capacity. Families having to deal with more pain after experiencing such loss is the last thing we want.
- Come to the meeting and explain how this decision directly affects you and your family.
- If you can’t make the meeting, continue to call the Blair County Commissioners office to share your concerns or write them a letter.
- Continue to share our message through our website and social media.
- Continue to share our petition.
Again, our family is so grateful for the support we have received over the last few days, and we are doing everything we can to fight on your behalf. Thank you for standing with us. We will never forget it!
Geoff Behrens
For 100 years, Alto-Reste Park has promised the citizens of Altoona that our grounds will provide a place of rest and a sense of peace for generations after generations. From stunning views of central Pennsylvania’s rolling hills, to the newly rejuvenated gardens on our property, this place offers comfort and love to those experiencing unexplainable pain and sadness.
The Good Family felt it necessary to communicate with you after an action that the Blair County Board of Commissioners took at their meeting held on Thursday, March 20, 2025.
The county has been exploring options for a new county prison for years. In the meeting of the Blair County Commissioners held on February 20, 2025, they discussed three potential sites for the new prison and, even though we have no interest in selling our land, they stated in that meeting that our property is still the preferred site to build the new prison.
We have been watching their weekly meeting agenda since the February meeting, and noticed for the March 20, 2025 meeting that “Requesting approval to advertise an Ordinance signifying the intent to take by eminent domain of a fee simple interest of two parcels of land in the township of Allegheny” was on the agenda. We were concerned that they were referring to our property, and attended the meeting so we could give our side during public comment. You can read the entire statement from our Vice President and General Manager here.
When the vote came, they voted 2 – 1 to proceed with the advertisement. So, the County Commissioners have decided to take the next step to go down the eminent domain road, and attempt to take our property.

How You Can Help

If you wish to support us and make your feelings known regarding the prison project proceeding on our grounds, please contact the Blair County Board of Commissioners, PA State Senator Judy Ward, PA State Representative Lou Schmitt, Jr. and PA State Representative Scott Barger. Here is the contact information:
Blair County Board of Commissioners:
- Phone: (814) 693-3030
- Contact Form: www.blairco.org/departments/commissioners/contactkessling
PA State Senator Judy Ward:
- Phone: (814) 695-8386
PA State Representative Lou Schmitt, Jr.:
- Phone: (814) 946-7218
- Contact Form: www.repschmitt.com/Contact
PA State Representative Scott Barger:
- Phone: (814) 695-2398
- Contact Form: www.repbarger.com/Contact
We appreciate this community allowing us to serve them for the last 100 years, and we will continue to uphold the commitment our family made at our founding. Please consider signing our petition below.